Bay Podiatry Clinic QR Code

19586 odsłon   |   Zaprojektowane przez: info  |   26-06-2014
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Bay Podiatry Clinic QR Code

Bay Podiatry Clinic QR Code description:

Podiatrists are health care providers who diagnose and treat disorders of the foot and lower limb. Your Podiatrist is trained to treat conditions related to foot structure and function, such as corns and callouses, biomechanical and sports related problems, children experiencing difficulties walking, foot related side effects from diabetes and arthritis. It is not necessary to obtain a referral to see a podiatrist, unless you need to claim for your service through DVA or Medicare (EPC). At Bay Podiatry, Brett Gotz offers a foot care (Podiatry) service in Bayside, Melbourne, to those suffering from foot related conditions such as bunions, plantar fasciitis, corns, callouses, ingrown toe nails.

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