Hues Hair and Skin Salon QR Code

16215 odsłon   |   Zaprojektowane przez: christinahues  |   09-08-2014
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Hues Hair and Skin Salon QR Code

Hues Hair and Skin Salon QR Code description:

Hues hair and skin salon considers itself a team. We are proudly part of the Davines family. As members of the Davines family we believe that "Beauty will save the world". With that said almost the entire line of Davines Essentials and More Inside products are carbon neutral! Meaning that every time you purchase products from the essential line your doing your part in saving that place we love to call home. At hues we believe in continuing education and having a strong foundation which is why we are launching an apprentice program. Remember that when you look good your feel good. So why not book an appointment and help team hues and the Davines family save the world one amazing hair cut at a time.

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