Bitcoin QR Code

8425 odsłon   |   Zaprojektowane przez: marqueztommy  |   14-12-2013
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Bitcoin QR Code

Bitcoin QR Code description:

An ounce of gold today costs roughly $1,200. That is only a little more than what a bitcoin trades for. But unlike the yellow metal that has to be dug out from the earth and purified, bitcoins are born out of algorithms, the mathematical calculations that run our virtual world. The only tricky part is that cracking the software puzzle gets tougher as more and more people work on it. If the Internet and money had a child together, it would be the bitcoin, say users. Since the bitcoin was invented in 2009, it has caught on globally as a virtual currency and has had many such currencies following in its wake. But unlike money, there are only 21 million bitcoins that can ever be generated. And, like gold, its users love to hoard them.

Powiązany Bitcoin QR Code, Color QR Code, make qrcode
